Digital Version - One, Two, Three with W.W.E. Open Ended/Constructed, Short Answer, Extended/Essay Responses --- Get a Five When Your Conventions Thrive!
This is our newest product and one of the easiest ways to teach students constructed responses, open-ended short answer, and extended/essay,
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Each color of a traffic light is a simple checklist for your students. The cool thing about this activity is that there are multiple things that you can purchase that are red, yellow,and green at the Dollar Tree that I will model in my videos to make things very visual and kinesthetic for your students!
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One, Two, Three with W.W.E. How to get up to Three points
Open Ended/Short Answer, Extended, Constructed, & Essay Responses
W. Red Light - How to Get a One Answer the Question!
W. Yellow Light - How to Get a Two Answer & Text Evidence
E. Green Light - How to Get a Three Extended/Essays Responses
E. Blue- Editing Conventions/Grammar (0-2 points possible on extended/essay response only (Each reading test in grade 3-8 will receive ONE of these questions.
What is the question/topic/prompt?
Look for words like what, who, when, where, why, which, and/or how
in the question
1. Red W. - What is/are the answer(s)?
The answer has to clearly respond to the question being asked to get a one/1 point.
(number, grid, symbol, word, phrase, sentence, equation/inequality, table, graph, multi-part, drag & drop)
Use W.O.W. to think of different ways to answer the question in a complete sentence:
WOW What Original Words from the question can use to help me respond?
NOTE: This does NOT mean that I have to restate or repeat the question/prompt several times. That would be repetitious and formulaic!
What Other Words can I use? (synonyms/wow words)
What Other way can I start my sentence? (different parts of speech)
What Original Way can I respond? Words Of Wisdom? (Quote/Truism)
2. Yellow W. - Where can I support my answer using the passage/selection?
What section/paragraph/sentence(s) can I use as evidence?
If the question and my answer has two parts, the textual evidence I use must relate to both parts.
3. Green E. - Example(s) & Explain (Development)
The Example(s) I use and the way I Explain it/them must clearly relate to my answer(s)/red light,
AND my textual evidence/support/yellow light in order to qualify for a three.
4 OR 5 POINTS: The editing skills/conventions/grammar used can earn your students from 0-2 points. 0 would be because of indecipherable or illegible penmanship or grammar.
Up to 10 points total: Since essays will be graded by two readers, your students can earn up to 5 points from each one for a maximum of 10 points once the two readers' scores are added up.