Reading Practice Test for 6th, 7th, & 8th Grade Based on Most Difficult Questions from 2021 Test

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 Page 1: Poem Genre: Fate, Faith, & Family (in Free Verse - No Rhyme, Rhythm, or Meter)

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Question # 1 In the first stanza of the poem, the speaker’s mentioning “the marchers down south”most likely refers to -
(2021 6th Grade State Average: 56%: Based on Question #37 Cat. 2 Supporting 6.5F)

Question # 2 What does line 5 reveal about the mother?
(2021 6th Grade State Average: 59%: Based on Question #36 Cat. 2 Supporting 6.5F)

Question #3 What does the conversation between the mother and the speaker in stanza 2 reveal
through an analogy the reader can infer about how the speaker feels?
(2021 6th Grade State Average: 59%: Based on Question #14 Cat. 2 Supporting 6.5F)

Question #4 What can the reader conclude about the speaker in lines 14 and 15?
(2021 6th Grade State Average: 56%: Based on Question #13 Cat. 2 Supporting 6.5F)

Question #5 Read line 18-20.
What do these lines suggest about the speaker?
(2021 7th Grade State Average: 43%: Based on Question #32 Cat. 2 Supporting 7.5F)

Question #6 What is the most likely reason the mother looks out the back window of
their home on line 24?
(2021 7th Grade State Average: 55%: Based on Question #32 Cat. 2 Supporting 7.5F)

Page 6 Poem: “All I Want For Christmas” (In Iambic Trimeter Blank Verse: Rhythm & Meter)

Question #7 How are the speaker’s words in stanza one important to the conflict expressed in the poem?
(2021 8th Grade State Average: 56%: Based on Question #1 Cat. 2 Supporting 7.5F)

Question #8 What message best reflects what the poet believes as she writes to Santa?
(2021 8th Grade State Average: 63%: Based on Question #25 Cat. 2 Supporting 8.5F)

Question #9 How are the hopes and dreams of the speaker in “Fate, Faith, and Family”
different than the desires of the speaker in “All I want for Christmas”?
(extended/essay answer - 10 points possible 3 + 2 = 5 x 2 = 10)
Be sure to answer the question, give evidence from BOTH selections, and develop your ideas
in detail. Check for capitalization, usage, punctuation, spelling, and sentences.
(2021 6th Grade State Average: 38%: Based on Question #25 Cat. 1 Readiness 6.5E)
(2021 7th Grade State Average: 61%: Based on Question #29 Cat. 1 Readiness 7.5E)

Page 8: Sadness Activity: Tell and Show Me How You Really Feel Collage

Page 9 Paired Passage #1 “When You’re Bored, Invent a Board Game!” (Informative Selection)

Page 10 Paired Passage #2 “Yo..... ‘Check’ It Out!” (Informative Selection)

Page 11 Paired Passage #1 Questions From “When You’re Bored, Invent a Board Game!”
Question #10 Based on paragraph 2 of the selection “When you’re Bored, Invent a Board Game”, what is the most likely reason that board games were invented during the Great Depression?
(2021 6th Grade State Average: 48%: Based on Question #15 Cat. 3 Readiness 6.5F)

Question #11 What is the most likely reason the author included the information about Alfred Butts in paragraph 2 of “When You’re Bored, Invent a Board Game!”?
(2021 6th Grade State Average: 44%: Based on Question #17 Cat. 3 Supporting 6.9A)

Question #12 Which conclusion is supported by the information and the author’s use of the word sinister
in paragraph 4 of the selection “ When You’re Bored, Invent a Board Game!”?
(2021 7th Grade State Average: 44%: Based on Question #24 Cat. 3 Supporting 6.9A)

Question #13 Based on paragraph 5 of “When You’re Board, Invent a Board Game!”, what can the reader
infer about how this information affected the family of Elizabeth Magie?
(2021 7th Grade State Average: 48%: Based on Question #39 Cat. 2 Supporting 6.9D)

Page 13 Passage #1 Questions From “Yo.... ‘Check’ It Out!”

Question #14 How is information presented about the game of checkers in paragraphs one
through three of “Yo.... ‘Check’ It Out!” important to the organization of the selection?
(2021 8th Grade State Average: 56%: Based on Question #1 Cat. 2 Readiness 8.7B)

Question #15 What is the most likely reason the author wrote the selection “Yo... ‘Check’ It Out”?
(2021 8th Grade State Average: 42%: Based on Question #34 Cat. 3 Readiness 8.9A)

Question #16 Read this sentence from paragraph 4 of “Yo... ‘Check’ It Out”.
What does this sentence help the reader to understand?
(2021 8th Grade State Average: 46%: Based on Question #35 Cat. 3 Readiness 8.5F)

Page 14 Paired Passage Questions From Both Selections

Question #17 Which detail from the selection “Yo.... ‘Check’ It Out it!” best shows a similarity to this idea
presented in paragraph 4 of the selection “When You’re Bored, Invent a Board Game!”?
(2021 6th Grade State Average: 58%: Based on Question #27 Cat. 1 Readiness 6.5E)

Question #18 How is paragraph 4 in “Yo.... ‘Check’ It Out!” similar to paragraph 5 in “When You’re Bored,
Invent a Board Game!”?
(2021 6th Grade State Average: 53%: Based on Question #24 Cat. 1 Readiness 6.5E)

Question #19 How is Alfred Butt’s game in the selection “When You’re Bored, Invent a Board Game!”
unlike the game of Checkers in the selection “Yo....Check it Out!”?
(2021 6th Grade State Average: 53%: Based on Question #24 Cat. 1 Readiness 6.5E)

Question #20 What similar conclusion can be drawn from the creations of Monopoly and Scrabble in the
selection “When You’re Bored, Invent a Board Game” and the inventions of the games
Checkers and Chess in “Yo....Check it Out!”? (2 points 1 = Answer the question from both
selections 2= Use textual evidence from both selections)

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