9th & 10th Grade Reading and Writing Practice Test Based on 2019 & 2021 Tests

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Revising, Editing & Reading Practice Test Questions From 2019 & 2021 
Revising Portion

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1 What is the most effective way to combine sentences 7 and 8?
Statewide Average Correct of 63% on 2021 EOC 1 Test

2 What is the most effective transition to add at the beginning of sentence 15?
Statewide Average Correct of 58% on 2021 EOC 1 Test

3 Sentence 18 is unclear. How should it be revised?
Statewide Average Correct of 54% on 2021 EOC 1 Test

4 Jessica wants to add this sentence to the fourth paragraph (sentences 20-23).
Where is the most effective place to insert the sentence?
Statewide Average Correct of 61% on 2021 EOC 2 Test

5 What is the best way to combine sentences 25 & 26?
Statewide Average Correct of 60% on 2021 EOC 2 Test

6 Which sentence should Jessica add after sentence 27 to provide additional support for the inference given in sentences 26 & 27?
Statewide Average Correct of 68% on 2021 EOC Test
Bonus Reading Question- Skill: Comparing and Contrasting
(understanding content) 
Comparing Paragraphs BEFORE Comparing Passages)

7 What was one detail that is true about the paragraph about the Brooklyn Bridge and the paragraph about the Empire State Building?
Statewide Average Correct of 59% on 2021 EOC 2 Test Editing Portion

8 What is the correct way to write sentence 5? (run-on sentence)
Statewide Average Correct of 54% on 2021 EOC 1 Test

9 What change should Ronica make in sentence 8? (punctuation-singular possessive)
Statewide Average Correct of 71% on 2021 EOC 1 Test

10 What change, if any, needs to be made in sentence 10? (comma for a coordinating conjunction)
Statewide Average Correct of 54% on 2021 EOC 1 Test

11 What change should be made in sentence 11? (capitalization of a country)
Statewide Average Correct of 71% on 2021 EOC 1 Test

12 What change should be made in sentence 12? (punctuation semicolon/comma)
Statewide Average Correct of 65% on 2021 EOC 2 Test

13 What change, if any, should be made in sentence 14? (punctuation removing a comma)
Statewide Average Correct of 47% on 2021 EOC 2 Test

14 What change should me made in sentence 15? (capitalization-title of a person)
Statewide Average Correct of 66% on 2021 EOC 2 Test

15 What is the correct way to write sentence 18? (run-on sentence)


Reading Portion Part One

Page 10 Tell and Show Me How You Really Feel Collage: Emotion - Sadness
1 Read the red box below the poem “From Broken Pieces to Masterpiece”.
Why does the speaker include the paragraph in the red box with the poem?
EOC 1 2021 Reporting Category 2 Readiness D.4F State Average 46%

2 Which line from the poem “From Broken Pieces to Masterpiece” best emphasizes the speaker’s hopelessness?
EOC 1 2021 Reporting Category 2 Readiness D.4F State Average 54%

3 How do lines 19-24 function in the poem “From Broken Pieces to Masterpiece”?
EOC 1 2021 Reporting Category 2 Readiness D.4F State Average 41%

4 Which theme is present in the poem “From Broken Pieces to Masterpieces”?
EOC 1 2021 Reporting Category 2 Readiness D.4F State Average 58%

5 How does the speaker organize the poem?
EOC 1 & 2 2021 Reporting Category 2 Readiness D.4F 53%-EOC 1, EOC-2 52%

6 What feeling is conveyed in line 9 of the poem?
EOC 2 2021 Reporting Category 1 Readiness E.4F 59% Statewide Correct

7 Which lines lines best suggest that the most positive point of view and perspective of the speaker about himself or herself?
EOC 2 2021 Reporting Category Readiness E.5C 56% Statewide Correct

8 How do you or someone you know relate to the beginning, middle, or end of this poem?
Explain which section you feel connects most with this chapter of your life, why you feel that way,
and give at least one example. (open ended/short answer/textual evidence (worth two points)


Reading Part Two:
Purpose/Genre - Informative

9 The information in paragraph one suggests that -
EOC 2 2019 56% Statewide Correct Based on Question #20

10 Read this sentence from paragraph 3 based on a line from a popular song.
The imagery expressed from the figurative phrase in the song can best be interpreted as -EOC 2 2019 56% Statewide Correct Based on Question #21
11 The final sentence in paragraph three suggests that -
EOC 2 2019 58% Statewide Correct Based on Question #22

12 Which sentence best describes the moral dilemma of people going through depression?
EOC 2 2019 56% Statewide Correct Based on Question #29

13 What is one similarity between the speaker in “From Broken Pieces to Masterpiece and someone going through depression in “Let it....Out”?
EOC 2 2019 43% Statewide Correct Based on Question #32
Be sure to clearly answer the question AND use evidence from both selections to
support your response. (2 point short answer question beginning 2023)

14 What is a difference in how the two selections explain dealing with problems?
EOC 2 2019 55% Statewide Correct Based on Question #33

15 In Paragraph 1 of “Let it Out!”, what type of evidence does the author present?
EOC 1 2019 64% Statewide Correct Based on Question #21

16 The author wrote “Let it Out!” primarily to -
EOC 1 2019 51% Statewide Correct Based on Question #22

17 Read the following dictionary entry.
Which definition best matches the use of the word shock in paragraph 7?
EOC 1 2019 47% Statewide Correct Based on Question #28

18 Read this sentence from paragraph 7
“We can be so upset that our emotions begin to shut down our minds and hearts, creating afigurative prison around us.”
What is the irony of the figurative prison written about in this sentence?
EOC 1 2019 48% Statewide Correct Based on Question #41

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