3rd-5th Grade Practice Reading Test Based on Most Difficult Questions From 2018-2021

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Poem Genre: “The Composition Notebook” (in free verse)

1. In stanza 3, When the sister of the speaker couldn’t understand her excitement about ?nding the composition notebook, the speaker most likely feels -
(2019 4th Grade State Average: 55% Character traits - Based on Question #14 Cat. 2 Readiness 4.6B)

2 Which point of view does the author use in this poem?
(2019 4th Grade State Average: 52% Based on Question #15 Cat. 2 Readiness 4.6B)

3 Why is the last stanza (lines 26-30) important to the poem? (extended/essay answer - 10 points possible) Be sure to answer the question, give evidence from the text, and develop your idea in detail. Check for capitalization, usage, punctuation, spelling, and sentences.
(2019 4th Grade State Average: 58%: Inferencing: Based on Question #27 Cat. 2 Supporting 4.4D)

4 Which sentence in the selection expresses a con?ict for the speaker? (two point value)
short answer response - Be sure to answer the question and give evidence from the text to support your answer.
(2019 4th Grade State Average: 50% Based on Question #14 Cat. 2 Readiness 4.6B)

5 Which statement is most likely NOT true about the speaker in “Composition Notebook”?
(2019 4th Grade State Average: 61% Based on Question #2 Cat. 1 Readiness 4.19.F)

6 Which attitude did the sister in “Composition Notebook” show that reveals her thoughts about the speaker?
(2019 5th Grade State Average: 64% Based on Question #17 Cat. 1 Readiness 5.19.F)

7 Which statement is true about the last paragraph of “Composition Notebook”?
(2019 5th Grade State Average: 58% Based on Question #18 Cat. 1 Readiness 5.19.F)

Informative Genre: “Boom! The Eruption of Mount St. Helens”

8 What is the most likely reason the author ends the selection with the ideas in paragraph 5?
(2019 3rd Grade State Average/inferencing: 61% Based on Question #12 Cat. 1 Supporting 3.12D)

9 Paragraph 2 is mostly about -
(2019 3rd Grade State Average: 32% Based on Question #14 Cat. 3 Readiness 3.13A)

10 What happened just before Mount St. Helens exploded?
(2019 3rd Grade State Average: 45% Based on Question #21 Cat. 2 Supporting 3.2B)

11 Paragraph 1 is mainly about -
(2019 4th Grade State Average: 41% Based on Question #10 Cat. 3 Readiness 4.11A)

12 What was the effect of the volcanic ash falling on residents from a nearby town in paragraph 4?
(2019 4th Grade State Average: 59% Based on Question #18 Cat. 3 Readiness 4.11C)

13 The author wrote this selection most likely to -
(2019 4th Grade State Average: 58% Based on Question #19 Cat. 3 Readiness 4.10D)

14 The author included the exclamation point in the title most likely to emphasize -
(2019 4th Grade State Average: 58% Based on Question #19 Cat. 3 Readiness 4.10D)

15 The author’s use of compare and contrast of the points of view of the seismologists to the geologist in paragraph 2 helps the reader understand that -
(2019 5th Grade State Average: 40% Based on Question #19 Cat. 3 Readiness 4.10D)

Poem: “Explosion in the House” (in Free Verse)

16 Lines 38 through 41 suggest that the speaker feels -
(2021 3rd Grade State Average: 67%)

17 Which sentence best describes the stanzas of the poem?
(2021 3rd Grade State Average: 44%)

18 Read lines 14 through 17 of the poem.
These lines help the reader picture the way the popcorn -
(2021 3rd Grade State Average: 43%)

19 In lines 1 through 4 and lines 38 through 41, the placement and repetition of single words are meant to emphasize -
(2021 3rd Grade State Average: 62%)

20 Which lines of the poem best show why the speaker enjoys popcorn?
(2021 3rd Grade State Average: 47%)

21 Throughout the poem, the speaker can best be described by feeling -
(2021 3rd Grade State Average: 63%) Short Constructed Response:

22 Which two lines in the poem use hyperbole to emphasis different senses?
Constructed Response: Multi-Select - More than one correct answer to a question

23 Draw a picture of the idiom expressed in stanza 5 in the box provided below.

Fictional Genre: “Splash Mountain....Terror Turns Terrific”

24 How does Jonathan feel at the beginning of the story?
(From 2019 3rd Grade Q #8 RC 2 S.E. 3.8B Readiness 73% State Correct)

25 In paragraph 6, what is the most likely reason Jonathan closed his eyes and shook his head?

(From 2019 3rd Grade Q #5 RC 2 S.E. 3.8 Fig 19(D) Readiness 73% State Correct)

26 What do paragraphs 8-11 show about Jonathan’s friends?
(From 2019 3rd Grade Q #7 RC 2 S.E. 3.8B Readiness 77% State Correct)

27 What is the most likely reason for the puddle of water on Jonathan’s seat at the top of the first hill?

(From 2019 3rd Grade Q #6 RC 2 S.E. 3.8 Fig 19(D) Readiness 73% State Correct)

28 How can the reader tell why Jonathan agreed to go on the ride with his friends?
(From 2019 4th Grade Q# 1 RC 2 S.E. 4.6 Fig 19(D) Readiness 73% State Correct)

29 Jonathan’s friends most likely think that -
(From 2019 4th Grade Q #2 RC 2 S.E. 4.6B Readiness 76% State Correct)

30 Paragraph 20 is important to the story because it shows that Jonathan -
(From 2019 4th Grade Q #3 RC 2 S.E. 4.6A Readiness 51% State Correct)

31 What is the best summary of paragraphs 23 through 26?
(From 2019 4th Grade Q #4 RC 2 S.E. 4.6 Fig 19(D) Readiness 53% State Correct)

32 What does paragraph 29 reveal about Jonathan’s character?
(From 2019 4th Grade Q #5 RC 2 S.E. 4.6B Readiness 67% State Correct)

33 What definition most effectively conveys the way ominous is used in paragraph 25?

Use it in a similar way in a sentence on the two separate lines for a di?erent situation. (short constructed response)
(From 2019 4th Grade Q# 31 RC 2 S.E. 4.2E Readiness 77% State Correct)

34 What would be the best theme that you could take away from this story?
(43% 3rd grade short constructed response)

35 Which character do you feel relates the most to your personality?
Write your answer and explain why you feel that way on the lines below.
(short constructed response)

Poem Genre: “To My Teacher....Stay For Me....The One” (rhyming pattern)

36 In line 12, the word face means -
(From 2018 4th Grade Question #25 Category 1 Readiness 4.2.B 67% correct)

37 The words ONE and WON are capitalized most likely because the poet wants to-
(From 2018 4th Grade Question #27 Category 2 Supporting 4.4A 76% correct)

38 Read lines 13 through 16 of the poem.
Why does the poet include this portion in the poem?
(From 2018 4th Grade Question #26 Category 2 Supporting 4.8G Fig. 19(D) 67% correct)

39 Which line from the poem shows a speci?c example of how the poet’s teacher cares for her students?
(From 2018 4th Grade Question #28 Category 2 Supporting 4.4 Fig. 19(D) 80% correct)

40 The speaker in the poem believes that-
(From 2018 4th Grade Question #29 Category 2 Supporting 4.4 Fig. 19(D) 63% correct)

41 What can the reader conclude about the speaker’s idea about his teacher throughout the poem?

(From 2018 4th Grade Question #30 Category 2 Supporting 4.4 Fig. 19(D) 50% correct)

42 Which line shows that the speaker can tell that the teacher is going through some problems?
(From 2018 4th Grade Inferencing/Drawing Conclusions)

Literary Nonfiction Genre: “Let it Go? Come On Elsa!”

43 Why does the author use the simile in paragraph 2?
(Compare to 2021 5th Grade Question #17 RC 2 Readiness SE 5.10D 74%)

44 Which sentence best describes Che’s main conflict in the story?
(Compare to 2021 5th Grade Question #2 RC 2 Readiness SE 5.8C 76%)

45 The author includes the situations in paragraphs one through three most likely to highlight -

(Compare to 2021 5th Grade Question #3 RC 2 Readiness SE 5.10D 63%)

46 Which sentence from the story shows one way the Indian method of dealing with unwanted emotions is different than the way that other cultures handle them?
(Compare to 2021 5th Grade question #9 RC 3 Readiness SE 5.7C 51%)

47 In the story, when does the resolution of Che’s conflict begin?
(Compare to 2021 5th Grade Question #14 RC 2 Readiness SE 5.8C 44%)

48 Why is it important to the plot that Che’s mother allowed him to move to another school in paragraph 4?
(Compare to 2021 5th Grade Question #5 RC 2 Readiness SE 5.8C 61%)

49 Based on paragraph 6 of the story, the author wants to show-
(Compare to 2021 5th Grade Question #36 RC 3 Readiness SE 5.7C 63%)

50 Why did the author include the section called “Let Your Anger Go” at the end of the story?
(Compare to 2021 5th Grade Question #18 RC 2 Readiness SE 5.10D 52%)

51 What could be an appropriate theme of this story using the words anger and/or forgiveness?
Support your answer with evidence from the text.
Short Answer or Extended Essay Response
Be sure to use correct capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and grammar.
(Compare to 2021 3RD Grade Question #9 RC 3 Readiness SE 3.7B 45%)

52 Which suggested activity in “Let Your Anger Go” is most similar to the way Che deals with his anger in paragraph 10?
(Compare to 2021 5th Grade Question #26 RC 1 Readiness SE 5.6E 39%)

53 Based on the imagery describing items Che used in his home in paragraph 6, he most likely -

(Compare to 2021 5th Grade Question #21 RC 2 Supporting SE 5.6F 43%)

54 Read the figurative expression in paragraph 9 that describes how Che is feeling at that precise moment.
A. Name the type of figurative language used.
B. Based on the figurative expression used, write a word or phrase that best describes Che’s feelings. Constructed Response Question: Multi-Select - More than one correct answer to a question (Compare to 2021 5th Grade Question #25 RC 1 Readiness SE 5.6E 54%)

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