Digital Spanish Reading and Writing Posters
Order all of our Spanish posters and save off the regular price when you buy them individually!
Here are the Spanish posters you get with this purchase:
onomatopeya, similes, modismos, personificaciones, metaforas, hiperbole, dialogo, ideas para un cuento, puntuacion, mayusculas, narrativo personal/plan literario, escritura narrativa personal, expositovo/persuasive, escritura expositivo,silbato, revisar y corregir, creando personajes, requisitos para escribir, desarrollow del trama, forma de ser, sentimientos y emociones, no pases por aqui, Alto, reglas deletreo
Posters can be printed in 17" x 22" , 11 inch by 17 inch, or 8.5 inch by 11 inch by just adjusting the settings on your printer!