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This practice test is modeled after the 23 most difficult math questions over the last 2 years in Texas and will really help build the confidence of your students as they prepare for the rigors to come in both third and fourth grade. 


The thought process behind having all of the questions in both multiple choice and new question type constructed responses is that starting next year, a maximum of 75% of the questions will remain multiple choice. This gives you as a teacher of the flexibility to pick and choose which questions you want to leave multiple choice and which ones you want to try to get your students to answer using the new question type formats.


As you can see in the question by question percentage is correct on the cover page, students came in to 4th grade really struggling on most of these TEKS, so it is absolutely critical that you give them extra practice before they begin the rigors of the year. To help you as 4th grade teachers to decide which questions would be more appropriate for your students, focus on the questions that say readiness. Those were skills that the students were supposed to have mastered by the end of third grade moving into fourth.


As part of your purchase, you will receive a YouTube video modeling suggested strategies for each and every question, especially those you tell us by email and messenger that your students are having a more difficult time mastering. You will receive the link to the videos over a period of a couple of weeks.


The specific skills for all 23 questions will be listed here below by the end of the day.


Each question has the question number it is modeled from, the reporting category, whether it's a readiness or supporting standard and even the student expectation. 


At the beginning of each test, I have written some suggestions and strategies to help those of you who might need a different pressure approach to teaching difficult math problems. 


Upon checking out at the store, you will receive a digital copy of the files at the email address that you give us within 24 hours. 

NOTE:To help prevent it from being blocked as spam or junk mail, either use a personal email address or send us an email at, and we will reply to your email with the files. 


They were tested in multiple choice format, but I have also made them into different forms of the new item constructed response type questions to help you and your kids prepare for next year!